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Charlie Munger

Here are the investing videos for common investors from Legendary Investors.

1) Warren Buffett: Investment Strategy
The annual Fortune MPW interview with the world’s most successful investor – Warren Buffett. Watch video: [Fortune]

2) Charlie Munger: Secrets to Getting Rich
Charlie Munger, the long-time business partner of Warren Buffett. He is famous for his quick wit, plain spoken and absolute genius. Watch video: [BBC]

3) Warren Buffett: Don’t Make This Mistake
It’s a terrible mistake when buyers sell stocks based on what they think businesses are going to do next month or next year, says Buffett, the country will grow in value over time. Watch video: [CNBC]

4) Warren Buffett: Interest rates are key to valuing stocks
Buffett said, “If these interest rates were to continue for 10 years, stocks would be extremely cheap now.” Watch video: [CNBC]

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